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05/04/2011 Psychostick, Blue Felix, Pollock, Tastes Like Burning, Zazz Blammyatazz (Buffalo, NY @ Broadway Joe’s)
By Eric | May 6, 2011 12:14 pm
I started off this Buffalo jaunt correctly by grabbing dinner at Jim’s Steak-Out across the street! Got into Joe’s just as “Zazz Blammyatazz” started. A three-piece that played some fun covers (as I think they’re all in “real” bands as well) and just had fun up there for a half-hour. Tastes Like Burning was up next, a Buffalo metal/core band that had a handful of kids there to see them. The screamo-breakdown stuff isn’t really my scene, so I wasn’t terribly into it. Next up was Pollock, a more straightforward alterna-rock band from Buffalo that played a solid set. The direct support was a band from Minnesota called Blue Felix, who are associated with DJ Sid Wilson of Slipknot fame. These guys have the visual part of the show down pat, with corpse paint, masks, and stage props that would have them fitting right in at a Rob Zombie gig. Musically they weren’t too bad, despite some technical problems at the beginning of their set. They’d be much better at a place with more room to move and more people to give them a little more feedback.
Finally it was fun time… PSYCHOSTICK time! The guys came out to the “Metal?” intro and right into “Do You Want A Taco?”. Frontman Rawrb was cracking jokes all night in between songs, and even though there were 100-150 people in the place, the band played as if it was 1500. Great crowd interaction, great sound, and lots of fun. Psychostick favorites like Sandwich, I Can Only Count To Four, ABCDEath, and the Jagermeister Love Song were mixed in among new classics like “Boobs” (how can that not be a hit?!), and a cool Push It mashup. Mashed up with Push It. (You got Static-X in my Salt-n-Pepa!). Naturally, the closer was BEER!, and then a one song encore consisting of The Hokey F’n Pokey, with the bass player coming down on the floor and doing the Hokey Pokey with us! A super fun set (albeit a late one), and totally worth the drive!
[flickr-gallery pagination=”0″ mode=”tag” tags=”2011-05-04″ tag_mode=”all”]
Do You Want A Taco?
Minimum Rage
I Can Only Count To Four
I Hate Doing Laundry
Largiloquent Dithyramb
Static Pepper (Push It mashup)
Two Ton Paperweight
Orgasm = Love
P Is The Best Letter
Tuff Luv
Jagermeister Love Song
In A Band To Get Chicks / Fake My Own Death and Go Platinum
Hokey F’n Pokey
Topics: Concerts | Tags: 2011, Blue Felix, Broadway Joe’s, Buffalo, Pollock, Psychostick, Tastes Like Burning, Zazz Blammyatazz | Comments Off on 05/04/2011 Psychostick, Blue Felix, Pollock, Tastes Like Burning, Zazz Blammyatazz (Buffalo, NY @ Broadway Joe’s)
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