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06/29/2002 Finger Eleven, The Full Nine, Mudmen, Tuulie (Fort Erie, ON @ Fort Erie Race Track)
By Eric | June 29, 2002 11:59 pm
Danielle and I got there right at 7, and were amazed at the easiness of parking, the price (FREE!) and the perceived lack of people there. The venue was much smaller than the setup at Mather Arch, but as far as crowd control and parking, this was much much better. We walked in, didn’t get two feet before we found Mary and crew, and proceeded to the stage. Tuulie was an all-female band, I liked them first time around, when they were called Verucca Salt. Dead ringers. They didn’t sound awful, but, blah. The lead singer looked like Kristen Dunst from a couple of accounts. Mudmen were on next, the bagpipe guys were wearing the exact same thing as last time! hehe! The lead singer radically changed his appearance too, they did sound the same however… They were entertaining, and of course everyone got excited for “Drink and Fight” at the end of the set. At this point, we wandered around a little, because we were not about to watch The Full Nine yet again. Came back for F11, and they actually looked like they were having fun up on stage! Opening with Drag You Down, they played a mix of Greyest and Tip songs, with 4 new ones thrown in (Last Scene, Panic Attack, Other Light, and Sad Exchange), which sound extremely promising, they rocked! For the first song of the encore, they did their song from the Canadian WWF Forceable Entry CD, Kane’s theme, called Slow Chemical, and closed with First Time. The sound mix wasn’t all that great, but I still think was the most impressed I’ve been with them thus far.
Drag You Down
Last Scene of Struggling
Temporary Arms
Panic Attack
For The Ocean
Other Light
Sad Exchange
My Carousel
Slow Chemical
First Time
Thanks to the magic of YouTube, here’s the entire show!
Topics: Concerts | Tags: 2002, Finger Eleven, Fort Erie, Fort Erie Race Track, Mudmen, The Full Nine, Tuulie | Comments Off on 06/29/2002 Finger Eleven, The Full Nine, Mudmen, Tuulie (Fort Erie, ON @ Fort Erie Race Track)
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