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01/13/2001 Finger Eleven, Cold (Kitchener, ONT @ The Lyric)
By Eric | January 13, 2001 11:59 pm
First off, after various stops, it took us FOUR HOURS to get there… anyway, we got to the venue about 4pm, and stake out the buses. Soon after, Scooter from Cold comes off the bus, and we get an autograph and chat for a little… then their roadie comes out and gives me a Just Got Wicked video! We wander over to the door of the building, and catch Jeremy, who we proceed to talk to for more than half an hour about all kinds of stuff… in the meantime the rest of the Cold gang come out, and we chat and get autographs with Sam, Kelly and Terry as well… Mary catches Sean from F11 for an autograph also… We let Jeremy go soundcheck, and we head to the front of the building to scope it out… theres no line yet, so we hit a record store, and Mary makes a killing on two Soundgarden posters and a postcard…we get in line, have some kids hold our spot, and run to the pizza place, where we meet… MORE COLD ROADIES! We chat it up with them as well, then run to get back in line… we get in at 8pm, and wait an HOUR AND A HALF before Cold went on. When they finally did get out there… THEY RIPPED SHIT UP. Opened with End of the World, and trucked on through Go Away, Outerspace, Confession, Witch, No One, Send in the Clowns, It’s All Good and Just Got Wicked. We had barrier right in front of Jeremy and Terry (who had a Jason mask on for the first song!) Scooter had this plexiglass platform that he stood on and they lit him up in green light… mad cool effect! After Cold’s set was F11… Launching into First Time, the place went nuts! Crowdsurfers everywhere, and due to the design of the security pit, they pushed the crowd surfers back into the crowd. After getting sat on, we got out and moved back. The Lyric has 3 levels, plus a mini balcony, so we moved to the edge of the 3rd level and could see perfectly…. Finger Eleven ran though a great mix of songs from both albums, including Tip, Thin Spirits, Quicksand, Stay and Drown, Sick of it All, For The Ocean, and closing with Above and Drag You Down. We hauled back outside to the buses, where we got to talk to Sam, Kelly and Jeremy for a littlw while longer, and the roadies hooked us up with long sleeve COLD shirts!! We finally got out of there at 1:30 and made it home by 4:30am! ha! What a night!
F11 Setlist
First Time
For The Ocean
Thin Spirits
Sick Of It All
My Carousel
Walking In My Shoes
Temporary Arms
Costume For A Gutterball
Stay and Drown
Drag You Down
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