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02/20/1998 God Lives Underwater, Fluorescein (Buffalo, NY @ Showplace Theater)

By Eric | February 20, 1998 11:59 pm

This show is notable for a number of reasons, not least of which was it was on my 18th birthday! Since I never got my blue card, this was also the first night I could legally drive after 9pm, how convenient! It also was a kinda-sorta-not really date with a girl from high school. To this day I’m not sure how interested she ultimately was in either me or the band, but whatever, I got to see a show and we ended up having a good time. It was also the first time I’d see a show at the Showplace Theater (and certainly wouldn’t be the last!)

The only thing I really remember about Fluorescein is that they were ridiculously loud. Apparently they had a single called “Cathy’s On Crank”, but I don’t ever remember hearing it. There was apparently a local opener called Transparent also, but I don’t remember seeing them.

GLU was up after them, and this was one of my first experiences with the phenomenon known as “our album isn’t out yet but we’re gonna play a ton of stuff from it anyways and you won’t know it”. Life in the So-Called Space Age wouldn’t be out for another month, yet six out of the ten tunes were off that album. At least we got Don’t Know How To Be, No More Love, All Wrong, and Nothing. Despite this, we had a lot of fun at the show, and I’m pretty sure this was the first time I had a barrier spot for the duration of a show. I distinctly remember the drummer messing with the DAT machine for the backing tracks, but they also had a full band, so no cries of FAKE here. I seem to remember the place being decently full, probably not packed to the gills, but a good showing.

The Rush is Loud
Dress Rehersal For Reproduction
Alone Again
From Your Mouth
No More Love
Can’t Come Down
Don’t Know How To Be
All Wrong

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