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02/20/2005 Shinedown, Theory of a Deadman, No Address (Syracuse, NY @ Club Tundra)
By Eric | February 20, 2005 11:59 pm
Only the 2nd time I’ve gotten to see a show on my birthday, I drove down to Syracuse for this one. Tundra is a pretty small place, and the layout isn’t the greatest I’ve ever seen. The room has a fairly low celing, and then the “pit” in front is 3 steps lower than the rest of the place, and about 15-20 feet deep. Any lead singer has quite a problem jumping around, as they’ll crack their head on the duct above them. But enough about the venue, on to the show! No Address was the openers, and they were so-so. The lead singer was nasally, he kinda sounded like a brit-rock singer, and the rest of the band were competent, but nothing spectacular. More anticipation for the reason I came, Theory. Happy to be down front near the barrier for these guys! They came out to a fair amount of cheering, and ripped into a song off their soon-to-be-released album “Gasoline”, called Hating Hollywood. Following that was another new one, Quiver, and then on to the old stuff. Invisible Man, Last Song, Nothing Could Come Between Us, Any Other Way, and Make Up Your Mind. Onto the new single, No Surprise, and ended with Leg To Stand On. The band sounded great, they were into it, the crowd seemed into them. I moved up off the barrier, got some water, and stood in the back, ready to rock for Shinedown. Which would have been fine, except for the fact that they came out and I was not at all impressed. Well, I was, partly. The band sounded great, as they opened with In Memory. Then the singer started singing. Sorta. Nary a high note, the screaming was way off pitch, and when the songs went high, either he punked out and let the crowd sing, or took it down the octave and sounded awful. Not to mention totally missing the whole second verse by crowd surfing. Stranger Inside was next, and it was more of the same. Missing notes, totally off-key, I was really surprised at what I was hearing, mainly because I saw them open for Seether about a year ago, and the singer was awesome at that show. Nailed everything. Not so tonight. After Fly From The Inside and Better Version, I had had enough, and did what I normally never do at shows, especially for a band that I enjoy. I left early. Which was a smart move, considering the snow that was falling, but that was far less of a reason than the performance (or lack thereof) was. I’ll be very excited to see Theory again, but I’ll be far less inclined to see Shinedown in the future.
Topics: Concerts | Tags: 2005, Club Tundra, No Address, Shinedown, Syracuse, Theory of a Deadman | Comments Off on 02/20/2005 Shinedown, Theory of a Deadman, No Address (Syracuse, NY @ Club Tundra)
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