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11/16/2002 Sevendust, 30 Seconds To Mars, Cinder, Closure (Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall)
By Eric | November 16, 2002 11:59 pm
I picked up Jason and we headed down to Water Street in some crappy cold weather. We froze outside in line for like 5 minutes when we realized that neither of us had brought our earplugs!! DAMMIT! So we figured we’d do okay inside no matter what time we got there, and as such, came all the way back to RIT to pick up earplugs. We got back to Water Street, and practically walked right in without waiting, and stood off to the side during Closure. This band wasn’t all that bad, but it was the wrong kind of band to be opening for Sevendust methinks. They were more of a Creed-ish kinda sounding band. By the time they finished, Jason and I had moved up to 3 people deep from the barrier. For whatever reason they put up a 2nd barrier in front of the nice padded one that is usually there… maybe the wood one can’t withstand the crowd… weird though, since it wasn’t in for Soulfly. Anyway, Cinder was up next, and they sounded like a typical post-grunge band that you’ll hear on the radio, they weren’t awful, but nothing special. And insane amounts of low end, as in, the bass was up way too much. Thank God we went back for our plugs.
30 Seconds To Mars was up next, and there were quite a few girls in the crowd to see them, since the lead singer (Jared Leto of “My So-Called Life” fame) is a so-called “hottie”. Blah. They reminded me of Orgy in some respects, but didn’t sound as good. The drummer had a really elaborate setup, and hardly used half of it! They played their set, and they kinda grew on me by the end of it, but I’m not excited to see these two bands again at Showplace. Blah.
Anyway, a bunch of people left after they got done, so me and Jason got barrier!! Sevendust came out to “Something I Can Never Have” (yes, NIN!) and I still can’t figure out why!! They ripped into Black to start it off, and kept up the tempo with Denial and Redefine. Trust was next, and then the set kinda took a bit darker turn, with Shine and then X-mas Day, which I haven’t heard live before. Back with the up-tempo with Rumble Fish and Crucified, and then it was time for Angel’s Son. This time however, instead of talking about Lynn Strait, LJ spoke about his younger brother who had just been killed a week or two earlier, and he dedicated the song to him. Quite emotional indeed. They ended the main set with Praise. The obligatory encore was next, first with Waffle, during which I got kicked by a crowdsurfer and got my most impressive concert battle scar to date, a nice two inch mark under my right eye. 🙂 The finale was the entire place singing Bitch at the top of their lungs. We hung around the barrier for a couple minutes, and like the pro frisbee player that I really am not, I caught a DRUM HEAD that got launched from the stage! Holy Awesome!! Jason got a Sevendust setlist and a 30 Seconds to Mars pick, so we both went home happy!! The show was awesome as all get out, one of the better ones I’ve been to in awhile!
Xmas Day
Rumble Fish
Angel’s Son
Topics: Concerts | Tags: 2002, 30 Seconds To Mars, Cinder, Closure, rochester, Sevendust, Water Street Music Hall | Comments Off on 11/16/2002 Sevendust, 30 Seconds To Mars, Cinder, Closure (Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall)
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