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04/15/2002 Sevendust, Reveille, Breaking Point (Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall)
By Eric | April 15, 2002 11:59 pm
I took Jason to this one with me, and we got in line about 6:00, the doors opened at 7. Well, 7:20 actually. We got inside, and would have been about 3 rows back from the front if we’d stayed on the floor. Luckily, they opened up the balcony, so we were front and center upstairs, no getting killed, and a great view of everything! Breaking Point started at about 7:45, and again, just as they were with Fuel, were sorta ho-hum. they’re not terrible, but they’re not great either. The only thing that redeemed them was the fact that they played their song off the WWF Forceable Entry CD, Rob Van Dam’s theme “One of a Kind”. That was their closer, and we had about a 20 minute wait before Reveille came on. It was their last night on the tour, and they came out psyched. Lotsa energy, and even though I only knew the three singles, I was into their whole set. They seemed to have a decent amount of people that knew their stuff, so that always helps. The lead singer did a stage dive, although it wasn’t as impressive as Cregg’s (Boy Hits Car) are.
Now it was Sevendust time! The setlist seemed very close to Buffalo, and it was every bit as good! Opening with Black, then into Denial, Redefine, Rumble Fish, Trust, Shine, and Angel’s Son (Lajon talked about Lynn Strait again). They came back hard with Live Again, and then for a switch they did a little medley, starting with Too Close to Hate, melding into Home, Speak, and back into TCTH. They followed this up with Tits On A Boar, Dead Set, and closed the main set with Crucified. After the requisite lull, Clint comes back out and starts playing ZZ Top’s “Tush”, stops, starts playing some Spinal Tap song I didn’t know, and then Pantera’s “Walk”. LJ did some more talking, and they did Praise, Waffle and ripped the place apart at the end with Bitch. Great show, great spot to watch it from, and I didn’t come home destroyed!
Rumble Fish
Angel’s Son
Live Again
Too Close to Hate / Home / Speak
Dead Set
Tush / Spinal Tap / Walk
(Pantera cover)
Topics: Concerts | Tags: 2002, Breaking Point, Reveille, rochester, Sevendust, Water Street Music Hall | Comments Off on 04/15/2002 Sevendust, Reveille, Breaking Point (Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall)
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