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08/19/2022 Hatebreed (Rochester, NY @ Main Street Armory)
By Eric | August 20, 2022 9:02 am
Ever have a show cancelled while you were at it?? This was supposed to be a big metal show – Anthrax and Black Label Society, with Hatebreed opening. We didn’t quite get everything we bargained for!
I got there around 6, got in by 6:30, and Hatebreed took the stage at 7. They ripped through a fun set of new and old stuff, including a cover of Exodus’ Bonded By Blood that got some of the “old folks” out of mosh retirement LOL. As per usual Jamey did the “which side is louder” schtick, and as per usual Wayne’s side won! Very hot, very sweaty, very fun like always!
To The Threshold
Worlds Apart
Tear It Down
A Stroke Of Red
This Is Now
Empty Promises
Destroy Everything
As Diehard As They Come
Bonded By Blood
Seven Enemies
I Will Be Heard
Towards the end of the set right after Seven Enemies, one of the crew talks to Jamey, who then says that due to the (lack of) safety of the stage, they’re only playing one more song and they’re gonna try to fix the stage. Hatebreed jams I Will Be Heard and ends the set. (Pretty sure we only missed one or two songs.) I get to merch and get a sweet HB Rochester shirt:
They get the stage set for Black Label Society, and we wait. And we wait, and we wait. After about 40 minutes, they turn all the house lights on (never a good sign), and a guy makes an announcement that the show is cancelled, but doesn’t say why. There were some angry folks in that building after said announcement. I got out of there fairly quickly before everyone that actually made it through the beer lines got rowdy. Walking out, everyone assumed it had something to do with the stage, and turns out, we were right:
Stress cracks in the welds of the stage frame! Not sure how that’s not shored up ahead of time. Needless to say, in my 25+ years of shows, this was a first. I’ve been (albeit wrongly) kicked out of shows, had them cancelled day of, and even had the power go completely out, but I’ve never had one cancelled while I was at it! I feel for the people that drove from Buffalo, Syracuse, or points even further to see BLS and Anthrax, that has to be crushing. Refunds aside, I hope the tour somehow makes it back here to make it up for the people that got cheated out of a show!
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