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10/10/2014 Theory of a Deadman, Fozzy (Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall)
By Eric | October 11, 2014 2:55 pm
[3 Pill Morning also on the bill, missed them.]
This was the same night as the Amerks home opener, so I wandered out of the game around the middle of the 3rd period and shot over to Water Street. Ended up missing all but 3 of Fozzy’s songs, but what I heard was pretty good. Same deal as seeing them open for Buckcherry earlier in the year, I feel like I should like them more than I actually do. I’ve heard them described as modern-day hair metal, and that’s pretty apt. not bad, just not great.
Then a bit of an extended wait for Theory to come out, but once they did, they got down to business. I liked this setlist a bit better than the show from two years ago, mainly because of the handful of new songs they played. Savages, Drown, Blow, and even the slower Angel weren’t too bad at all, they’re still playing Nothing Could Come Between Us, and we got a different cover than usual (Interstate Love Song). Even Bad Girfriend was still fun after the billionth time hearing it. A lot of diehards in the crowd singing along to everything, and the band sounded good. Tyler’s voice sounded a bit stronger than it had in previous shows. This being the 10th time seeing Theory, I know what to expect, but it’s still a good time!
Fozzy setlist:
[walked in late after Amerks game]
Lights Go Out
Bad Tattoo
TOAD Setlist:
So Happy
Bitch Came Back
All or Nothing
Nothing Could Come Between Us
Interstate Love Song (Stone Temple Pilots cover)
No Surprise
Not Meant to Be
Santa Monica
Hate My Life
Paradise City (Guns N’ Roses cover)
Bad Girlfriend
Topics: Concerts | Tags: 2014, Fozzy, rochester, Theory of a Deadman, Water Street Music Hall | Comments Off on 10/10/2014 Theory of a Deadman, Fozzy (Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall)
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