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11/23/2001 Cold, Dope, Flaw (Buffalo, NY at Showplace Theater)
By Eric | November 23, 2001 11:59 pm
We had seen two-thirds of this lineup two months prior in Rochester, so there was plenty to compare and contrast between the two shows.
Got in line about 4:00, Joe and Nick showed up, then Mary. Flaw opened, and they weren’t too bad. More of the same nu-metal stuff, with a bit more singing thrown in, it was decent. [Through the Eyes had only been out for about a month, and I don’t think I’d even heard Payback prior to this. I ended up becoming a pretty big Flaw fan subsequent to this!]
Dope was amazingly better than in Rochester, Edsel wasn’t being such a diva, it sounded better too, but alas, you can’t polish a turd. Better than Rochester still wasn’t great. They did You Spin Me, and then Fuck The Police, which seemed a bit inappropriate after the incidents in NYC, and actually, a bunch of white guys singing it just doesn’t cut it.
Cold came out after a delay, and while they sounded okay, the new set wasn’t quite as good as Rochester. They didn’t have their light show, so they put candles down instead. It was alright, but ehh… lights would have been better. (Mary ended up getting one of the candles.) The guys just all kinda stood in one spot, didn’t move or interact too much at all. They opened with Give, then End of the World, first acoustically, then full-on. Confession, Witch, Outerspace (a first for us!), No One, It’s All Good, She Said, and Send In The Clowns followed. The guys took off, then Scooter and Terry came back to do Bleed, which was the best version I’ve heard yet. Then reaching back to the Something Wicked… EP, they played Bizarre! I don’t think ANYONE in the crowd knew the song besides me and Mary, no one was singing as far as I could tell. They closed with Just Got Wicked, and after the set, Mary got a pick from Jeremy, and had a small skirmish trying to get a towel tossed into the crowd with the idiot kids next to us. In all, the show was okay, but I’m putting the Rochester date ahead of this one.
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