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a bad NIC fixed my blues
By Eric | July 29, 2002 9:53 am
Okay, aside from the fact that my internet connection was down all weekend, through no fault of Adelphia’s it turns out, (one of the two NIC’s in homebase crapped out, the one that the cable modem was connected to), this weekend was a virtual whirlwind of fun and excitement, if not high in the hours-slept column π
Friday night Mary came over and we went for a walk by the river. It was a nice night out, not terribly hot, not a lot of bugs, etc. Just a nice leisurely stroll, walking and talking. We got some food afterwards (where else but Denny’s??) and chilled at home for a bit longer. Steven Lynch was on Comedy Central… that dude is a riot! I actually got to bed at like 12 friday night, a new record for me! (Lack of internet = more sleep!)
Saturday I woke up around 10, poked around home for awhile doing not much of anything, and then decided to take a trip up to Rochester, check out the old stomping grounds, specifically the record stores and the thrift shops! I picked up the first Down album, and finally got a copy of Adema. The thrift stores didn’t yield much of anything, save for a NIN “Fixed” shirt that I already have, but this one was an XL and will actually fit… Sara’s getting the large one I had previously to perform “sparklization” and make it look less like a t-shirt and more like a work of art… heheh! So I hit the mall for dinner (God there’s nothing at Marketplace I wanna go into anymore!) and when I came back to my apartment, Scott, Katie and friends had just come back from the Rennasiance Festival, so I had tons of company! It was a bunch of kids from NT that Katie had graduated with (they graduated the year after I did). About 9 Rachel got ahold of me, went and picked her up, and we went out to Irondequoit to the pier. They have movies on the beach on Saturday nights up there, I never knew this! We didn’t watch it (Ocean’s Eleven), but you could hear it all the way out on the pier… I never realized how dark it was out at the end, you could actually see stars in the sky π A couple car-radio sing-a-longs later, and we were back at RIT, where we sat up talking way past my bedtime π fun fun π
Sunday morning came too quickly π hehe! (need sleep!) I went out with the parents to this mega-garage sale on the Boulevard, and then me and Dad tried finding replacement bolts for my alternator mount, to no avail, the search continues! (case hardened automotive bolts anyone??) About 3ish it was time for the Blues! One short jog the wrong way down a one way street later (haha!) we parked and ventured in. For $10, this show was definately worth it. There’ll be a show review in concerts section eventually, but the two bands that stood out were a local group called Willie and the Rheinharts, and a younger kid from Atlanta named Sean Costello. Quite impressed with both of them! We stayed till about 9’oclock, then me and Dad both were getting tired. We’re on Twin cities on the way home, and who calls Dad’s cell? Adrienne! haha… Amanda gave her the number, they’d been trying to get ahold of me all afternoon π So Dad drops me off at Danielles (I missed most of her going-away party,, *sniff* sorry!) just as Bill and Leah are leaving. ah well. So we end up shooting pool and discussing Life, The Universe and Everything. π I was coerced into an “Alabama Slammer” shot, which when warm, tasted like Robitussin π eheh! Danielle’s dad graciously dropped us all off at home, and I was expecting to go to bed, when Dad calls the Adelphia people. After sitting on the phone with them, we determine that their service is up, and our NIC is bad. So we have internet on the main box, but no one else in the house does. New second NIC coming up! So by the time anyone reads this, the new one will be in and functional π
Current mood: tired!
current song: Creed – Bullets
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