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05/07/1999 Staind (Buffalo, NY @ Showplace Theater)
By Eric | May 7, 1999 11:59 pm
This was the first time seeing Staind while actually knowing all the songs, and hands down it’s still my favorite Staind show.
I was on the Staind bandwagon fairly early. Between seeing them open for Limp Bizkit (which I didn’t really remember), seeing them open for Kid Rock a month before this, and then buying Dysfunction the day it was released (about three weeks before this show), I was pretty excited to see them and actually know the material. We got there fairly early, and once inside, Mary and I were two of like maybe five, ten people tops there who even knew who Staind was. Not that there were many people there yet, period. I guess Monster Magnet fans were latecomers, not that it mattered to us. Once Staind started I think we made it pretty obvious that we were there to see them, rocking out to each song. I don’t have the exact setlist, but for a lot of the Dysfunction tour they didn’t switch it up much, so I’m assuming we saw:
A Flat
Just Go
They sounded great, and we had a blast. Aaron Lewis was still finding his on-stage persona, I recall a lot of wandering back and forth across the stage, and standing sideways kinda facing the wall. The rest of the guys were very energetic though, and made for a great show.
If the show was good, the aftermath was even better. During set-change, and after buying our inaugural Staind shirts (I think I topped out at 8 or 9 at one point!) we saw Mike come out to the bar, told him we loved the show and asked for an autograph. He did us one better, invited us to come talk outside, and we ended up chatting with the entire band out by the bus for probably a half hour, just the two of us! All four guys, Mike, Jon, Old-School and Aaron, were awesome, very personable, as interested in what we had to say as we were in them. I think the fact that we were college engineering students may have had something to do with that, as we found out that Mike had been working towards an electrical engineering degree! Since this was right around Mother’s Day, as we talked to the other three band members, Aaron was on the phone with his mom, but when he was done, he was amazingly nice to us as well. Being that this was very early on in their major label career, they seemed happy that anyone recognized the songs, or them for that matter. As for me, this just solidified my love of the band and they were easily my favorite band all through college.
Needless to say, we didn’t end up going back in to see Monster Magnet, and we really didn’t care. This show is still one of my more treasured concert memories!
I found a YouTube video of a show from a week later, so this is pretty much exactly what we saw! (I don’t think we got Home or Me, but regardless…)
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