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05/14/2002 Static-X, Earshot, Sinnistar (Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall)
By Eric | May 14, 2002 11:59 pm
Sara and Danielle came up for this one, and Jason came along too, the day before he headed for home. We got there about 6:30, and the doors still weren’t open yet. We started out about 3/4 of the way down the street, there were that many people there already. We got in rather quickly, and crammed in by the entrance to the stairs leading to the balcony, as they weren’t letting anyone up right away. Naturally, the security guards start letting the ho’s up there first, so the rest of us were bitching of course. Sara and Danielle had done their whole concert get-up with shiny pants and all, so finally the one guy noticed the two of them, asked who they were with, and let the four of us upstairs. We got the bench right at the barrier upstairs, house right. Sinnistar came out at 7:30, and boy did they suck. Hard. Imagine Dope, but a minor league, worse version. Yep. He even looked and sang like Edsel. The songs all were way too slow, and sludgy, and not in a good way. After that half hour of misery, we got Earshot. Popular opinion says they sound like Tool. Nope. Not even close. They had technical problems, lots of feedback, and the first two songs sounded off-key. The songs were alright, nothing great, but there was no stage presence at all. None. It was one of the most boring shows I’ve seen in quite awhile. Sinnistar to their credit at least moved. Anyway, after a much-too-long hour wait between sets, Static-X finally came out. Thank God! Kicking right into This Is Not, the crowd went nuts. I’m With Stupid, Bled For Days, and Black and White were next, and then Wayne stopped to talk. The order gets a little fuzzy after this, but they also played the extra track on the Wisconsin Death Trip Import, called Down, then Machine, Cold, I Am, Permanence, Stem, Love Dump, Fix, Push It, and then a one song encore with Get To The Gone. The guys are real goofballs up on stage, laughing, making fun of each other, at one point they told everyone in the balcony to stand up, and everyone did, except for about 5 ho’s front and center. Wayne cracked that he feels sorry for them being in a wheelchair, and knows he’s gonna get there himself soon! Needless to say, they still didn’t stand up. Tripp was wandering all over the place, at one point he walked the length of the bar, even Wayne didn’t see where he went! Since “all these new poser bands” use the metal sign (devil horns), Static-X is starting a new trend… the Fist of Metal! After the set, Tripp came out with a big bag of Pixy Stix, and was tossing them into the crowd, and Ken got rid of at least a dozen drum sticks… we almost got one up in the balcony, but none of us could get our hands on it, even though Danielle, Me and then Jason all touched it! Ken threw a drum head out into the crowd, and some poor kid nearly got beat down for it by some other dude. Yikes. The show was great though, lots of energy, it sounded good, and the band was really into it, as were the fans.
Topics: Concerts | Tags: 2002, Earshot, rochester, Sinnistar, Static-X, Water Street Music Hall | Comments Off on 05/14/2002 Static-X, Earshot, Sinnistar (Rochester, NY @ Water Street Music Hall)
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