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06/11/2002 Tesla, Jackyl (Buffalo, NY @ The Sideshow)
By Eric | June 11, 2002 11:59 pm
The original plan was to head right to the Sideshow from work, beating the rush, beating traffic, etc. I had brought clothes and sneakers to work to change and everything also, and that’s all well and good except for the ticket that was sitting on my dresser at home. 🙂 So I headed back home instead, which turned out to be a good thing, because I got to eat and pick up my earplugs. So I got out of the house about 5:30, and figured I was going to run into traffic. The thruway was rather light, and I pulled into the parking lot aboout 6. And it was empty. Completely. So I spun around and browsed the AMVETS store for half an hour or so, getting back to the venue at about quarter of 7. I end up chit-chatting with this guy named Bill and this woman named Kim, both in their early 30’s (remember, this is a show with an older crowd) who didn’t come together. The three of us ended up sticking together all night (we all came by ourselves) and had an awesome time talking about music and whatever else. We got in at 7:15 and secured barrier spots. Jackyl hit the stage at 8, and ripped through an hour long set. Now I’m nowhere near a Jackyl fan, but they were entertaining as hell! They played all the songs I knew (When Will It Rain, Down On Me, Dirty LIttle Mind, etc) and then 2nd to last was their “love song”, aka “She Loves My Cock”, and they saved the best for last…. THE LUMBERJACK SONG!! Jesse James Dupree comes out with a chainsaw, fires it up, and lets ‘er rip! They brought out a cheap wooden stool, and at the end of the song, he cuts it in half, pours “beer” on it (lighter fluid in a beer bottle) and starts it on fire!! And then he smashed it! I actually got half of the seat of the stool, but I gave it to the guy next to me, as he was a much bigger Jackyl fan than I. So theres about a half hour wait between sets, and the crowd being as it was, you could take off and still get your spot back (these old people are cool!) so someone ran and bought beers (and I never drink at shows!). About 9:45 Tesla hits the stage, and opened with Action Talks off of Bust a Nut, and then right into a cover of Sabbath’s War Pigs. After that was out of the way, we were treated to Gettin’ Better, and the order gets fuzzy, but also Little Suzi, Heaven’s Trail, Signs, What You Give, Song & Emotion, Mama’s Fool, Love Song, and they closed with Modern Day Cowboy. They sounded really good, Jeff Keith’s voice was strong, and the crowd was amazing, we didn’t get touched once! The dual-guitar assault of Frankie Hannon and Tommy Skeoch was really something to see and hear, as both of those guys are really talented. They definately looked like they were having fun up on stage, and during Little Suzi, Jeff stuck the mic in front of one of the roadies, and got dead silence! The dude turned beet red, quite funny! I ended up getting a pick each from the two bands, so I even got something to take home… 🙂 Definately something to be said for shows like that with an older crowd, they don’t push and shove and all that, even if they’ve been drinking!
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Topics: Concerts | Tags: 2002, Buffalo, Jackyl, Sideshow, Tesla | Comments Off on 06/11/2002 Tesla, Jackyl (Buffalo, NY @ The Sideshow)
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